O que são espécies companheiras e antagônicas? Inspirados pela sugestão da Bárbara Abbondati por e-mail, hoje iremos falar um pouco...
Espécies, mão de obra, maquinário e mercado, todos devem ser escolhidos e analisados dentro um planejamento detalhado para resultar no melhor custo-benefício e retorno.
Indispensáveis na agrofloresta, as espécies de serviço tem várias funções, mas uma das principais é a produção de biomassa.
We received a question from Carlos, who is from Manaus and would like to implement an agroforestry on 32 hectares, in an area that is already a forest.
How do I control leaf-cutting ants in my plantation? Rafael's IG question. Hi Rafael, unfortunately the damage...
Hi PRETATERRA team. I really admire your work, but I live in the city and I don't have any space...
If you follow our IG (link), you've seen that we've been posting a lot about what we're doing at Projeto Timburi....
Today at PRETATERRA Answer we are going to talk about a very relevant topic: restoration of springs! That was a question...
“I have a good area of Preserved Secondary Atlantic Forest, I would like to know where I can get information about the decree that created...
I have a place in Garrafão, district of Santa Maria do Jetibá, ES, with an altitude of 1,200m, with an area of 25...

regenerative drops

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